Hunting and Adventure in Romania
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RED DEER ( Cervus Elaphus. )

The largest herbivorous species living under natural conditions in Romania. Red deer's areal stretches along the Carpathian arch, but it may be met also in the hilly and plain woodland. In the mountains, stag lives up to altitudes of about 1800 meters.

The Carpathian stag population consists of about 35.000 specimens .

The weight of a sturdy adult male often exceeds 230 - 250 kg .Romania holds 269 gold medals , and the national record is of 261,25 CIC points . Trophies of 8 - 10 kg are frequent in Romania.

The practiced variants of hunting are: hunt by tracking and stalking .

The hunt by tracking is practiced with success during the time of reproduction, in observation places, in the areas where the animal gather together during the "call of stags" mating season. The traditional rutting places are the open forest areas, which could be grassland, young brush planted after deforestation etc. The best time for a still hunt is September 20 to 30 .

Hunt by stalking is done near the places known as being frequently visited by the male stags, and in the plain areas by getting nearby on horse-driven carts, running on the roads inside the forest. For the stalking hunt the best time: 15 September - 30 November .

Recommended rifle for stag hunting: minimum 7 mm , up to high calibers of 9 and over 9 mm .

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